Sunday, June 14, 2009


Braylon has always been into girls/women. But I was not prepared when he broke out the term "girlfriend" the other night. We received an email with some new pictures of our friends Jordan and Jadyn (this is Bray and Jordan above). I had Braylon to come look. He said, "that's Jordan, she's my girlfriend...I have lots of girlfriends." We talked about Lydia and Paige, then he said "And Carissa and Lindsey", two girls from the older class at preschool. I said they aren't your girlfriends, they're just friends, to which my little stinker replied: "Well, I am trying to teach them to be my girlfriends." Teach them! Oh, Bray.

This was Braylon's first kiss.

It is sad, but I can't remember exactly how old they were. Probably about a year and a half.

They were so adorable!

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