Sunday, September 28, 2008

Star Wars: Return of the Zoo Animals

Braylon's obsession with Star Wars continues. The other night I went into his room to find this set up. Apparently, in Braylon's mind, zoo animals will be the mode of transportation in the next star war. To go along with Braylon starting to play more on his own and his very good imagination, Braylon's vocabulary is also developing. Earlier in the week when mom and dad were here with their puppy Maggie Blue, Braylon said, "I like Maggie, she's marvelous!" And yesterday before the game Bray set up his stuffed animals facing each other on teams and announced as he pointed to one team: "This team is impressive." He is such a nut...but I sure do love one can bring a smile to my face like he can!


Anonymous said...

That is way too cool! What an imagination. :)


Unknown said...

Gee....I don't know where he gets his adorable nutiness from........