Saturday, April 18, 2009

Coloring Easter Eggs

This year we went down to see Boo Boo and Papaw for Easter. We had tons of fun coloring Easter eggs on Saturday morning.

Putting the eggs in to boil.

At first he was very proud of what he was creating. But it didn't take long for him to get bored with it this year. I think it may have been the fact that he had already colored eggs at school earlier in the week.
Braylon and Boo Boo.
Once the eggs were finished, I started putting them in a basket and I accidentally dropped and cracked one. Braylon broke into tears like the world was over. I apologized and explained that it was just an accident. I had to give him a kiss and keep saying sorry...he almost sent me to time out. But luckily he did not make plans to sell me. That has been a recent thing. When he gets really upset about something (we have been past the hitting me phase for awhile now) but now his face turns red and he clinches his fists and shouts "I'm going to sell you, Mom!" So far, I am still around. Usually within a few minutes he comes around and hugs and kisses me and says "I won't really sell are a good Mommy." It is almost sweet enough to make the earlier tantrum worth it...Almost!

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