Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Busy, Busy Bee-killer!

Braylon has a new hobby. He is in love with killing little bumble bees. He spent over an hour in the yard this evening finding and killing these things.
A few comments:

1. I hate bees, but about 22 dead bees into it, as Braylon continued to stalk the clover blossoms, I kind of started to feel sorry for them.

2. I was always terrified of bees (actually I still am)...In true Braylon fashion he is not at all scared of them.

3. So far this Summer Bray has been bee stung 4 times- twice at school, playing on the playground and twice while on his bee-killing adventures....and he still is not one bit afraid of them.


Angie said...

He's looking a little evil here. Bumblebees don't bother me. Wasps are another story!

Angie said...
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