Wednesday, August 6, 2008

There's a tear in my...bubbles?

Braylon always has tons of energy and most of the time he lives up to his "Wild Man" nickname (one of a long list that also includes turkey lips and knucklehead), but for the most part he is not an emotional/dramatic kid. He rarely cries and he is actually a very good sharer. But this weekend at the reunion we experienced one of his infrequent reminders that he is a three-year old kid. Drew accidentally knocked over JoLee's bubbles, so he poured some of Braylon's into her bottle. Had he asked Braylon first, Bray probably would have been fine with it, but he didn't and this is what resulted. Am I a bad mother for finding these pictures hillarious?


Paula said...

too funny...

Anonymous said...

You're an excellent mother! JohnRad