Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Things That Make Me Go: hee hee hee

(Braylon showing me his seaweed at the beach. He collected more seaweed than seashells!)

When Braylon takes a bath, it is a process. First we have to pick out which plastic toy animals are going to join him in the tub. Then he plays. After about 15-20 minutes, I come in to wash him up. Usually we start with his face and body then wash his hair because that is his least favorite thing and he usually wants to put it off till last. The other night when I came in he said: "Lets wash my hair first. Lets get out of the swing of things for tonight, then tomorrow we'll get back in the swing of things." He cracks me up!

I have been meaning to post on here forever about some words that Braylon uses often, but just doesn't pronounce just right. I can only think of a couple right now, but if I come up with more later, I will add them...because I know there are more than just these two:
Igrupt/Igrupting= Interrupt/Interrupting
ex.: "Dad quit igrupting me, I was talking to Mom first!"
Meatiac= Maniac
ex.: "Did you see that meatiac on that motorcycle?"

He is so hilarious. I wish I could think of some more.

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